

Powered by a strong hydraulic motor system for unparalleled performance, the Tempo Amphibious Excavator can withstand the harshest working environments. These excavators have been specially designed to maneuver in swamps and marshy terrain, with water floating capabilities for extra safety and stability, and wider operability. The Tempo Amphibious Excavators are ideal for maintaining, deepening, and cleaning waterways, lakes shorelines, and ponds, as well as erosion control and prevention, and flood protection. APPLICATIONS:
– Maintaining waterways and shorelines
– Deepening of waterways and river deltas
– Landscape building and protection
– Swamp and wetland construction


Max. track length 11.77m
Track length on ground 6.50m
Rear upper structure length 3.65m
Overall length 16.50m
Height of boom 4.15m
Counterweight clearance 2.40m
Overall width min/max 6.33m/7.33m
Undercarrige width min/max 5.97m/6.67m
Track gauge min/max 4.02m/5.02m
Track cleat width 1.95m
Min. ground clearance 1.16m
Track height 2.19m
Overall cab height 4.37m
Upper structure overall width 3.20m
Max. Cutting height 19.00m
Max. Loading height 17.50m
Recommended outreach 18.00m
Max. digging depth from front 12.30m
Max. digging depth from side 10.80m
Bucket capacity m³ 1.10